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Showing posts from November, 2010

Things to do before Christmas

So as everyone is completely, totally aware of today's date..or at least, know that it's still November but December is pretty close too, we get to realize that Christmas is almost here! I mean, Thanksgiving is in 2 days!!! And for that matter, I am gonna celebrate it for the 2nd time in my whole life...since im not an american, it shouldnt be a big deal but this year we are celebrating it! I am making a whole bunch of food...punpkin pie, sweet potatoe casserole, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, buscuits and gravy and some fried chicken, also. Not the healthiest choices, I know! But oh well...Once in a year...But to declare one thing. I hate pumpkins. I just really dont like its taste! I dont even know why I made up my mind that THIS is the dessert I'm gonna make. And once I decide what I wanna do, I will do it, no matter what. I am actually really excited to make allll these foods :D But after thanksgiving... It's time for a cleanse before the year's biggest holida...

Happy Thursday!

Today i got the feeling of sensation that I need to make a blog! And then I thought...I do have a blog, I just never write in it. So I logged in checking if I still have this...and surprise surprise I do! But I don't really wanna write only about food. My life took a direction to a healthier I mean, I've been living pretty healthily for the past 5-6 years. But as everyone else, I got off track a few times during. And it might not surprise anyone else (but me) that when I start eating bad bad things filled up with sugar and become lazy and tired because of all the's hard to get my butt into gear and hit the gym or just put in a workout DVD and maybe tell myself that no, you will NOT die without that one piece of chocolate...:D So when I finally make up my mind, I like to try out many different types of workouts, healthy recipes, health styles. I've tried really really many things. Like I tried being a vegetarian(it suits me the most), tried mac...