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Healthy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Today I woke up and had the urge to bake something. At first, I was very VERY intrigued by a wonderful brownie recipe but then I came to my senses...that no, today is Wednesday! And brownies don't happen on Wednesdays around here. So I scolded myself for even thinking about it and swore that I will work out something vigorous instead :) But the scorching desire to bake something was still there! Ahhh! What to do now?
I had a bag of unsalted roasted peanuts in the pantry so first let's make some peanut butter! That's healthy. And easy. Way too easy, I needed something more. So when I have peanut butter, let's make cookies with it!! Right??? Such a lovely idea! 
I was looking through a couple PB cookie recipes and I originally wanted a no-flour kind but when I saw the amount of sugar each had... I was like no way am I gonna add 1 cup sugar to 1 cup PB. Let alone, I didn't even have 1 whole cup of PB. 

You really learn to appreciate things when you don't have a lot. I know, it's such a cliche, yet so true. In Europe, most of the things are small. Everything is packed in small quantities. Even the clothes are smaller! And when I'm in the US, I get all oooh-ahhh because there are those humongous jars of peanut butter and mayo and etc. I love those, I think it's so much fun to have a lot from something but I realize on myself that when I have a lot from something then I don't appreciate it (as much). And I tend to waste, also. But we live in a world that is rapidly reaching its limits so we shouldn't allow ourselves to waste anything. Of course, it's hard. I even waste my precious time... But trying is always the first step! :)

So where was I? :) Oh yes, cookies! So since I didn't find any recipes that fit with my standards, I made up my own cookie recipe! Feel free to change it to make it to your taste but I found that these cookies were not only awesomely good but they are sooo nutritious!! First of all, homemade, all natural, sugar-free peanut butter. Then I used raw brown cane sugar, can't go wrong with that. Then whole oatmeal, 100% whole wheat flour. And some dark chocolate chunks. Okay, there's a bit more... I added 1/2 cup butter too to make it a soft cookie :) All I can say is success! Oh! And the recipe makes about 10 big cookies! Hope you'll like them!

Healthy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies
yield: 10 big cookies

3/4 cup peanut butter - recipe here
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup raw cane sugar
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup oats
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup dark chocolate chunks or chips
splash of milk

Mix together the peanut butter, butter and sugar in a bowl. In another bowl, combine the flour, oats and baking soda. Add it to the wet ingredients. Add a splash of milk if the dough is too dry. Add in the chocolate chips. Form little balls from the dough and place them on a baking sheet. Press a fork on each ball so you'll have that nice criss-cross effect. Bake them for 15 minutes on 180C. When taking out, the cookies will be still soft so leave them on the sheet for another 10-15 minutes.


  1. Ooh! Just saw these on Foodgawker. These are most definitely my type of recipe. Love the ingredients in them! And they look delicious. :)

    1. Thank you Erin! I've wondered over to your blog quite a few times already and I LOVE it!! :)

  2. I have got to try these since I am in the process of changing how and what I eat. And, I absolutely love, love, love peanut butter and it being paired with chocolate.

    1. Yes, I have a slightly huge crush on peanut butter as well! :) That's why I almost always have some homemade kind in my fridge! Try the cookies! So good and really good for your body! :)

  3. goodness gracious, these look insanely deliciously perfect. thanks for sharing your recipe!!

    1. Aww thank you Ally!!! Oh and they are so delicious! I just had one for breakfast and tastes exactly like it did on the first day! How cool is that?? :)

  4. That looks so tasty. What would be a good replacement for the peanut butter?

  5. Any other nut butter would do! Like almond or hazelnut butter! Just make the butter yourself, cheaper and you know exactly what you're eating :)

  6. what temperture is 180C?

  7. two years later........I'm just taking the cookies out from the oven they look delicious!!! thaks for the recipe

  8. These totally fell apart as I tried to eat them. :( Literally fell on top of my dog's head. Delicious over ice cream though.... :/

    1. Really?? Oh no!! What kind of flour and peanut butter did you use?


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