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It's been quite a long time since I anything. The reason I've been missing is that I kind of slacked off. I did make some incredible desserts but I just didn't take any pretty pictures of them so I will have to remake them :) The other reason I didn't update is that I was in LONDON!! My very first time in the British capitol! 
My birthday is around the corner, as well as my finals and thesis to get ready so what other time should we visit London than now?
We had absolutely the most gorgeous weather! It was sunny every single day of our stay...which is a huge thing for London! It is finally spring! The flowers are blooming over there and the city is just beautiful. We didn't stay for long so I didn't see everything just some major parts of the city. I documented some of our eats, some of our wanted eats but didn't and I got some kitchen ware! Okay, not really ware but something that comes handy while baking :) And something sosososo exciting that I'm gonna save it for last! So let the photos speak for themselves!

A pretty confectionery shop at the Piccadilly Circus. We didn't go in because we just had coffee before we saw this little beauty.

I'm so gonna try to replicate these :)

Traditional fish and chips! Wasn't greasy at all which is pretty surprising... But it was filling so this plate was just enough for my Mom and me as a lunch.

Coffee lover... 

Potato skins filled with bacon, sour cream and jalapeno. Yum, right? To make it a tiny bit healthier I ordered some steamed broccoli, too.

Grilled camambert cheese with some jam and bread. Mom's lunch. Quite indulging...

Right before we went ahead and had lunch in Camden Town.

This is where we ate...

This pretty unauthentic Indian food. But it was still good :)

After exploring Madam Tussauds, I was starving so we went looking for something to eat and look, what we found? An amazing turkey melt sandwich. Yum.

This was one of my favorite spots in London! Books for cooks? That just called my name! :) I found it in Notting Hill and was eager to dive myself in the many many cook books it had to offer! Hungary just doesn't have that many cook books to my great sadness...Okay, the books here were slightly pricey and quite heavy so I didn't buy any...But one. But I'll talk about it later :P

Look what I got! Measuring spoons! These are adorable! I always had the problem measuring out 1/4 of a teaspoon but not anymore! 

And!! My biggest purchase... Pierre Hermé's Pastries! Oh my god, this book is amazing! It cost a fortune but boy, so worth it. It has all the classic recipes, so I am planning on making ALL the recipes from this book. Don't be surprised if you'll find a lot of recipes coming from this book in the near future :) I am totally smitten with this cook book. Okay, I would have preferred more pictures in it but oh well. The recipes are what count!

Okay, that's it for my London update :) I'm sure I'll go back again, hopefully soon...


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