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Sweet sweet life

As I am having an extremely hard final tomorrow, what better can I do than blog? Right? :D Actually, I am just having a break before going to my garden with my notes, articles and tan while opening my mind to all the highly interesting stuffs I'll be needing in order to pass... But what is sweeter than studying under the sun, soaking all the vitamin D and warmth and happiness?? :) Oh right! iced coffee! Which I'm sipping contentedly, and it all makes me think: Life is Great! As we already know from KFC hahahaaa

This sweet mood makes me want to post some pictures of my baking in the past month. Recipes won't be included since I really shouldn't procrastinate (too) much. But I will say that baking is one of the best things in life! It has creativity, productivity, functionality, joy and above all love! The only thing that makes me say no to baking (other than saving up money) is that I perfectly know that if I bake, then I will eat, too. And way too much sugar is definitely not the best. So I just keep to eating healthy and hopefully sugar-free in the weekdays and I allow myself to indulge in baking something delicious in the weenend! The only problem is that I always forget to take pictures of most of the things I make...Oh well...

German Chocolate Cupcakes
It was a present and all I can say...Everyone loved it! Although I am really not a fan of cupcakes...At all. But these were heavenly. So moist, and the frosting inside...Perfect. Even though, one is like 15000 calories :D

Vanilla Cheesecake Bites with Chocolate ganache
I got addicted to bake not muffins in the muffin form :) These are not the prettiest, for sure, but tasted so good! My family don't really like cheesecake (why, why oh why???) but they absolutely loved these. Not the traditional cheesecake taste and with the ganache...Oh MY. Lovely.

A Hungarian dish
It is like cinnamon rolls, only a lot more time consuming...The rolls are filled with thick plum jam and then poppyseeds were coating them and when they are ready to be served I made an orange-vanilla sauce to put it on...They were yummy.

And who doesn't love mojito?? :P


  1. végre rájöttem, hogy kell kommentelni!
    szóval: szuperjóra sikerült a blog!! ééés ki akarom próbálni a cheesecake-et!!
    a fényképek is nagyon szépek! ezeket már az új géppel csináltad?:))


  2. mar 1 ideje probaltam kommentelni, de nem nagyon sikerult, de vegre MA rájöttem én is :)) amugy, igen ezek mar az uj geppel keszultek! puszi!


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