So... Tomorrow is the day I am starting my 1-month cleanse. I've been preparing myself for that in my head for weeks. And maybe not only in my head... I've been eating a little more, just in case :) But maybe it can be due to PMS. Which is baaad, I hate PMS, when I think I am doing just fine with working out, eating right having the best moods ever and then PMS is creeping on me and everything collapse. I crave cheese, chocolate, sugar and what not and probably never find what I really crave so I eat like everything that I think this is the taste and one bite.....nope, its not that. So i keep searching and I keep putting unneccessary calories into my body. Oh well. But tomorrow is a brand new day! I am starting with a 2-day preparatory eating for my juice cleanse which will last 3 days. If I last that long, but I WILL because I WANT TO and WILL make it happen!! :) Its all about my will. So I'll be eating greek yogurt with nuts and looots of veggies and apples and some