I'm on a health kick right now. I mean, it's more like going back to the healthy eating ways. I haven't realized how much I missed my old and good ways! You know the usuals... Using whole wheat flour, banning processed foods, skipping on the wine and so on. Now that I look back, no wonder I gained 5 pounds in a month! I was eating all the wrong foods! Like white bread! I stopped eating white bread when I was 14! What the hell was I thinking? That's right, I was not thinking at all. I let in to all the cravings. If you are in the same shoes, trust me! Do not let your cravings control your hands when it comes to chips, cookies or nutella. Because cravings are strong and forceful creatures. You can't see them but they can move hands and mouth and teeth and will make you gain weight if you don't pay attention! You know what's the worse? When cravings are combined with emotional eating. Or stress eating that will lead to binge eating. It will cr...