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Sajtos Pogácsa - Hungarian Cheese Puffs

Happy news!

I have created a new, upgraded website where you can see all my old and new recipes. To see the recipe of the the Hungarian Cheese Puffs, you can simply click on the below link.


  1. this looks beautiful!

  2. these sound so great. i would love to make them soon!

  3. These sound divine! I bet they are really tasty too!

  4. Oh they are very tasty, indeed! Thank you! :)

    1. Hi, I'm giving these a shot. They sound great. My parents are from Szeged and I love Hungarian food, so these sound brilliant. I have a work function next week and I think these will be great! :)

  5. wonderful! my boyfriend used to make the normal ones without cheese, but I definetely will try to make these simply because I love cheese.

    Perfectly shot pictures btw,



  6. These look great. I have a question. Between each 30-minute segment, roll out the dough and fold each time yeah?

  7. Wow. I think I would eat as many as I made! These sound utterly wonderful. Thanks.

  8. Thank you all for the kind comments :) Cynthia, yes you have to roll and fold each time, that's how the puffs will be super soft and flaky!

  9. what's 1,5dl water equal to? Sorry for being a newbie

  10. About 2/3 cup, maybe a bit less but 2/3 cup should be fine.

  11. I have been looking for (and trying) pogacsa recipes for the last four years in a desperate attempt to re-create my favorite food for two years living in Budapest. I cannot wait to try this one, since all others have failed to impress! Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Csilla! Thank you so much! Nagyon Koszonom Szepen!!! These worked! After many years of experimenting you finally gave me the answer and a really good recipe for pogasca! So thrilled to share these with friends and family who have heard so much about these. Keep on posting!

    2. P.S. since you're so awesome, you don't happen to have another wonderful recipe, this time for Hortobagy Palacsinta do you? Another one I would love to re-create. No one believes me. :)

    3. I'm so happy for you!! :) Frankly, I have never made hortobagyi palacsinta in my life so I do not have a go-to recipe for that. Actually, I don't even really like it that much... I'm sorry... But if I do get to eat a good one, I will most definitely get the recipe and post it!

    4. Hi,
      I hope it's not too late but I just find this blog.
      Refer this link for Hortobagyi Palacsinta. ;)

  12. Let me know how they turned out! I love this recipe, next time I will add some cheese in the dough, though! :)

  13. Hi Csilla, I'm going to prepare this recipe for a Christmas family gathering . . . could I substitute dry yeast for instant yeast and, if so, how much? Thank you! Susy

  14. Hey Susy, as I know dry yeast and instant yeast is the same thing so go ahead and use the measurement I wrote! And let me know how your puffs were!! Hopefully delicious :)

  15. Thank you Csilla! I'm just getting ready to start preparing them and will take a picture and let you know! Merry Christmas! Susy :)

  16. T.T tears! i probably did something wrong but it never fluffed and ended up needing like 25 minutes in the oven.... any possible pointers?

  17. No way! I am so sorry! I know how that feels....Did you wait for the yeast to foam? Or did you fold it 3 times? I am not sure what could have gone wrong :( I made them only once and they turned out perfect. Or maybe different flour makes it different?

  18. yeap, followed to the T but imma try it again :] fingers crossed

  19. Hi Csilla! I found your blog on Pinterest a few days ago and absolutely LOVE all of these amazing recipes you are posting! I am passing on to you the Liebster award, which is an award for awesome blogs that have less than 200 followers! Hopefully it will help introduce more bloggers to you and your blog! Feel free to check out my most recent post and pass it along to some of your favorite, smaller blogging friends!

    Have a great day!

  20. Thank you Samantha!!! It just literally made my day!! :))) It is such an honor :) ps. checking out your blog ;)

  21. After 7 years of experimenting with pogacsa in the US I have finally made it work thanks to your recipe! For those in the US, I used Fleischmann's RapidRise yeast(1 pack)and Gold Medal self rising flour. 500gr flour-> 4 cups, 200gr butter->1.76 stick. 190C->375F. Koszi Csilla! Keep baking, keep blogging!

  22. Awwww!!! Congrats!!! I am SO happy this recipe worked for you, as well! :)) And thank you so much for sharing it! I always feel responsible if a recipe I post doesn't work or work, in fact :)

  23. Csilla, thanks for the recipe - can't wait to try it out. I've been looking for an easy recipe and this sounds like the one. Thanks to Anonymous above, I now have the US measurements too :-).
    Veletlenul nem szeretnel szilvas gombocot kreatalni es annak a recipe-jet is megosztani? :-)

  24. Jó ötlet!! :) Felkerült a csinálandó receptek listájára! Nemsokára jön :))

  25. Nagyon jól sikerült! Köszönjük a receptet :)

    1. Ennek nagyon örülök!!! :) Nálunk ez az egyetlen bevált pogi recept :)

  26. Szia Csilla!

    Meg kell hogy mondjam, ez a legjobb pogácsa recept, amivel valaha találkoztam!!! Pintersten akadtam rá, teljesen véletlenül, de áldom az eget azóta is érte :) Ma este megsütöttem egy adagot, de a lakótársaim már leadták a rendelést egy dupla adagra, holnap estére :)

    Tetszik, hogy nagyon egyszerű a recept, nincs túlbonyolítva. A tészta tökéletes állagú lett, baromi könnyű volt vele dolgozni. Én annyit változtattam rajta, hogy egy kevés reszelt parmezán sajtot beledolgoztam a tésztába, plusz a tetejére cheddart szórtam. A keltetést is kicsit siettettem, csak kétszer ismételtem meg a hajtogatást, de így is jól megkelt, szuper lett.

    Még egyszer, köszi a receptet! :)


  27. Szia Trixi!
    Hú, nagyon örülök, hogy jól sikerült neked is!! Igen, én is elhatároztam a múltkor, hogy legközelebb amikor sütök 1 adagot, mindenképp teszek sajtot a tésztába is! Hiányzott bele az a kis extra pikantéria :) Sok sikert a további pogi-sütögetéshez! :)

  28. Hi Csilla--

    Thank you for the wonderful recipe. I've been looking for one I could take with me when I move to the States in July (currently, I live in Budapest).

    I was wondering if you knew where I could find a bread board like the one in your photos. I've wanted one for a while, but haven't been able to find something quite like the one you've got.

    1. Hi Jamie,

      The bread board is from Tupperware! I'm not sure where it was bought since I got it as a gift... But you can probably find it on the Tupperware website! I love that board, it is sooo easy to work with, let alone how convenient to store it! I absolutely hated the normal wooden board that was so big and so hateful to clean :D I hope it helped!
      I hope your moving to the States will go well! Where are you going there?

    2. Thank you so much! I'll look around before I leave next month. Maybe I can even order it from the US so I don't have to carry it with me. You're right about the wooden ones. I've got one that just sits in the cupboard because I hate it so much. I'm from Illinois, but am moving back to go to Nebraska to start work on my Ph.D.

  29. I've been to Hungary a couple of years ago, Budapest actually, and you guys have some nice markets :)

    Thank you for sharing this recipe <3

    Hugs Frida

    1. Really? Did you like Budapest? Oh yeah, we have many many markets :) One of the best things around here!

  30. I just wanted to let you know that I have been following your blog for a while, but had never tried any of your recipes until recently when I need to make some pogacsa for a special event at my husband's work. We are Americans and lived in Hungary for a few I have had pogacsa and even tried some other recipes I found online. Your recipe and instructions were so easy and they turn out wonderfully delicious! Thank you for a flavorful memory!

  31. I just finished a project on Hungary and this was the perfect addition to my presentation! Thanks!

  32. Hi Csilla, we live in Australia and have just returned from a holiday in Budapest, where my husband lived for a few years a while back. He loves sajtos pogacsa so I tried your fun and not-too-difficult recipe...and it worked! Thank you for making Hungarian cuisine accessible to people around the world who don't have Hungarian grandmothers, we will be trying your kakaos csiga recipe next (after a few visits to the gym maybe). Hint for others: I didn't have any smoked cheese, so I sprinkled some smoked paprika on top of normal grated cheddar. Yum!

    1. I'm so glad the recipe worked for you, too!! :) It made me really happy to read your comment! I like to share recipes that work and taste great! You should definitely try the kakos csiga! :) And the gym can wait! I mean, what are those new years resolutions are for? :D December is the month of indulging! Thank you again for writing!

  33. Hi Csilla. I have lived in the far west of Hungary for nearly five years now and eaten sajtos pogácsa many times. I never had the recipe (i.e. the ingredients) until I found your page. I have seen my good friend's mother make them. I thought you might be interested in the variation on your recipe that she uses. It was just the same technique - roll and fold - but after the rolling each time she sprinkled a quarter of the grated cheese on before folding. Three rollings just as you said. The remaining quarter of the cheese went on top just as you say before baking. I might just have to have a go to take along as nibblies for Szilveszter.

    1. Thank you! Yes, that was my plan to try the next time I'm making the pogácsa :) It would make it taste extra cheesy and gooey, can't wait to try it!

  34. Draga Csilla,

    Thank you so for the recipe! It all worked well, but they did not rise. I was so sad, as really needed a pogacsa fix here in Australia, as it reminds me of my nagyika.

    Why do you think it did not work? It is very hot here at the moment, around 34 degrees, would that be the reason, or that I put two trays in the oven at same time?

    Koszi Szepen

    1. Dear Zita,

      Oh no!!! I don't think that the temperature is to blame because the yeasty dough loves being in a warm environment, in fact it won't rise if it's not! Did you let it sit and fold as told in the recipe? Because the dough should be already risen after the 1st sitting! I can't really imagine why it didn't work :( Maybe you could give it another try and see what happens!! :)
      ps. my problem was always that I didn't let the yeast foam enough and started working with it anyways and then my dough didn't rise! maybe that was the problem for you, too?

      Let me know if you succeeded the next time!! Good luck!! :)

  35. I just tried this recipe the first time and it is super! Light and fluffy. Luv it.

  36. Szia Csilla. Thank you for your sajtos pogácsa recipe. I'm Finnish but been in love with Hungary for 3 years now (I did both of my internships there - 3months in 2009 and 3 months in 2010). I'm currently studying the language properly - fluently reading restaurant menus isn't enough for me anymore ;) A question, I tend to use fresh yeast... how would that affect the recipe? Köszönöm szépen!

    1. Really? That's pretty amazing that you decided to start learning the language, it can be quite tricky at times ;) I'd say it wouldn't matter whether you use instant dry or fresh yeast but since I haven't tried the recipe with fresh one myself I can only guess it. Try using 25 grams of fresh yeast and let me know how it turned out! But I wouldn't worry about it much, it should work ;) And get a hungarian boyfriend, makes it easier to get fluent in the language :D Just kidding ;)

    2. I think my boyfriend for 10 years would mind that a bit :D He's the one who introduced me to Hungary - and also we stayed there together on 2010 (with our dog!) :) I'll let you know how "fresh yeast pogácsas" worked out.

  37. Jaj ez pont jokor jott! A baratom csaladjahoz megyunk Halaadasra, es gondoltam keszitek valami magyarosat az o tradicionalis amerikai / azsiai menuje melle! Csaladom szegedi de en 2007 ota San Francisco-ban vagyok, ami annyira foodie... 5-6 evvel ezelott volt egy hires magyar etterem de bezartak, ugyhogy most mar csak a konyham marad ha magyar kajat szeretnenk. :) Koszi a receptert!

    UI - bocs, ahogy latod nincsenek ekezetek a keyboard-omon :)

    1. Jaj de jó! Örülök, hogy segíthettem :)) Ohh San Francisco.... Már ezer éve tervezem, hogy megnézem. Gyönyörű lehet!! Megpróbálok több magyar receptet felrakni, de amikor itthon van az ember, akkor leginkább a különböző cuison-okat próbálgatja, meg hát egészség szempontjából sem a legjobb a magyar konyha, csak néha napján ;)

  38. THis looks great! EAch time you fold the dough and let it sit, do you roll it out before? like, you roll the dough out, fold it, let it sit, then roll it out again, fold it, let it sit? Cant wait to make this!

    1. Yes, exactly! You have to roll it out every time! :) Hope it'll turn out great for you! :)

  39. Szio Csilla,

    A hetvegen ezt megprobaljuk, remelem bejon. mar vagy egy eve erre faj a fogam.

  40. I made those twice now. Added cottage cheese mixed with yoghurt (as Hungarian girl I know does that). First time I made those ages ago they didn't grow much but I think it's because of dry yeast which I'm not a fan of. This time I used fresh yeast and WHAT A DIFFERENCE. They grown beautifully and taste lovely. Only one think I did wrong I thing is I used unsalted butter and I'm positive they would be much better if I would use salted one. Again thanks for recipe Xox

    1. cottage cheese does sound really good with it!! i have to try them myself :)

  41. How much water is needed? I am in the US, and not sure what dl is. Thank you!

  42. Nevermind, I saw from a previous post that it is a little less than 2/3 cups. Sorry, I didn't read all of the comments well enough! Thanks.

  43. Oh yum! I love making yeast rolls! I have never heard of rolls like this but I am sure I would love it!

  44. Hello and THANKYOU for this recipe I am going to use it for my school project our country is Hungary and this recipe will be you have any tips for me concerning this recipe?i will be making it tomorrow.we also are researching Hungarian holiday tradition as well.thankyou again. Andrea:)

  45. Does anyone know how much 1kg is?converted.?i need enough cheese puffs for about 40 people.;)

  46. Hello this is Andrea again,is this enough for 40 people?or shall I double the ingredients??

    1. Hi, 500 grams is about 5 and 3/4 cups and the recipe makes a lot but maybe I'd make a double batch just in case :)

  47. Thank you for this recipe! I am married to a Hungarian man, and my mother-in-law makes these all the time! They are delicious! I wanted to try making them for a while, but kept procrastinating. When I stumbled upon this recipe in English, I realized that I had no choice. I tried it, and they taste delicious! Mine did not puff up as much as they are supposed to, but my husband (who grew up eating these) says that they taste exactly like his mother's! :) That made me very happy. I think they did not puff up as much because I used spelt flour. I will have to try again another time with a different type of flour and see if I can make it "look" nicer. Thanks again!! :D

    1. I'm so happy that you liked it!! Yes, I'm sure they didn't puff up because of the spelt flour. It works differently than the other types. Next time try it with all-purpose or bread flour! :)

  48. Greetings! I'm Hungarian (both parents were immigrants). These are pretty spot on. The only thing I added to make them more authentic was a little bit of pork cracklin' in the cheese mixture on top. Xtra crispy bacon crumbled would be just as good.


  49. My mom taught me to make these. She and my father are from hungry however the recipe she taught me is different. For mine I us margarine and sour cream. Also I put cheese in the dough. When I roll it out I put cheese on top then bake. Everyone loves them. A lot less time and work for my recipe. Just saying.

    1. Like with all dishes, there are many, many different interpretations. This one also has like a million recipes. This is my interpretation :) Sometimes less work doesn't mean better, sometimes does. It's up to everyone to try it out :)

  50. Hi! Just substitute it to some pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds, they work as well! :)

  51. Csilla! Ez nagyon tuti : ) mar tobbszor is sutottem es nagyon jo volt. En glutenmentesen is keszitettem es az is jol sikerult.

  52. About to make these; confused on mixing the butter into the flour and salt; is it melted? softened to room temp? Thanks!

  53. Should the butter be cold or soft (room temperature) ?

  54. just stumbled across this recipe and i am so excited to try it. one of my favorite youtubers is of hungarian descent and i couldn't find any restaurants nearby so i am going to whip this up myself! looking forward to your 2017 blogs (if possible) !

  55. So tasty!! I think I would eat as many as I made! These sound utterly wonderful. Thanks.

  56. So delicious!!! I just wanted to let you know that I have been following your blog for a while.

  57. How could you garnish these to make them look more appealing? thanks

  58. i like these cheese puffs, seems really good


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