I've always been baffled how those sky-high muffins become so tall! I've come across a couple (more like hundreds) of muffin recipes and none of them turned out the way I always imagine my muffins. Like really tall, soft but a bit dense and marbled by some extra flavor. Like blueberries or chocolate chips or some jam or cream cheese, you get the idea... I've made some really yummy muffins, alright but I always wanted the kind I just described. The ones you buy at the bakery. Fancy bakeries, might I add. So when I almost gave up today to bake something, then I found this amazing recipe in Pierre Hermé's cook book. You know those moments when you think you're failing everything in life? Then turn to Pierre Hermé. His recipes deliver. And anyways, baking just makes people happy, right? Mainly if you succeed and you get to take pictures of pretty blue and yellow muffins! :) This makes my bad day turn into a good day and I will hold onto it! :) Okay, I won